AI-powered customer & location insights

Human-centric data to understand your places and spaces

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We've worked with


of Australians prefer shopping in places that offer a mix of retail, dining, and entertainment options.​


Build-to-Rent units are expected in Australia by 2025, with significant growth forecast beyond this​


of Australian office workers stated that having access to modern office amenities and facilities influenced their decision to return to the office​

The New Normal
The structure of work has experienced one of the most significant changes in over a generation.

Lendlease Investment Management and have partnered to present the latest trends shaping how we work, and the impacts for asset owners and occupiers in Australia’s two largest cities.
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Actionable insights to make the right call
Our individually prepared insights reports deliver deep customer profiling and location intelligence through the use of big data and artificial intelligence.
Location Intelligence
Utilise geospatial data to make informed property decisions.
Customer Profiling
Analyse consumer traits to refine leasing and marketing strategies.
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