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Mastering the Art of Prompting: A Guide to Becoming a ChatGPT 'Prompt Ninja'

Enhance the quality of your AI-generated content with our step-by-step guide

In the age where artificial intelligence (AI) tools are becoming more integrated into our daily workflows, it's essential to know how to effectively interact with powerful AI models such as ChatGPT. When it comes to AI, the clarity of your prompts determines the value of the responses you receive. The secret to harnessing the full potential of ChatGPT is to become what we call a "Prompt Ninja." Here's your step-by-step guide to achieving this level of expertise.

The information to include in your prompts to ensure the best possible response

Step 1: Persona - Defining the AI's Role

Before diving into prompting, decide on the role ChatGPT will play in your task. Just as you would delegate responsibilities to a team member based on their skills, you should outline what persona or role you want the AI to assume.

Specifying a role frames the AI's responses in a suitable context, aligning with your expectations and ensuring consistency in the type of insights or outputs it provides. For example, if you're writing a social media post, you might want the AI to take on the role of a social media content creator.

Step 2: Context - Setting the Scene for Your Goal

Each prompt should come with the necessary background information. Context is crucial to give the AI a comprehensive understanding of your situation or the environment surrounding your query.

Providing context eliminates ambiguity. The more context you give, the more the AI's responses can be pinpointed to your unique scenario,enhancing relevance and applicability. For instance, if you're discussing a marketing strategy, mention the specific industry, target audience, and any previous strategies used.

Step 3: Task - Detailing the Specific Job

What exactly do you want ChatGPT to do? Define the task clearly with as much detail as possible to get a result that meets your specific needs.

By giving clear and precise information, you help the AI understand and fulfill your request accurately, avoiding misunderstandings or incomplete answers. For example, you might ask ChatGPT to "generate a list of five creative social media campaign ideas for a new product launch. Include what images; tone; verbiage I should use”

Step 4: Example - Demonstrating the Desired Solution

Providing an example of the kind of solution you're looking for can significantly improve the outcome. It's like showing a picture to your hairdresser rather than trying to describe the cut you want.

Examples act as a template for desired outcomes, ensuring the AI understands your standards and expectations. If you want a detailed project plan, you could provide a brief outline of a similar plan you've used before.

Step 5: Format - Specifying the Output

How do you want ChatGPT's output? Should it be a list, a paragraph, or a detailed report? Formatting is often overlooked but is as crucial as the content itself.

Specifying the format ensures the AI's output is immediately usable or presentable, saving time on reformatting or restructuring. For example, you might request, "Summarize this report in three bullet points."

Additional Tips for Effective Prompting

  1. Be Specific: The more specific you are, the better the AI can tailor its response. Avoid vague requests.
  2. Use Clear Language: Simple and direct language helps the AI understand your prompt without confusion.
  3. Iterate and Refine: Don't hesitate to refine your prompts based on the AI's responses. Iterative improvement can lead to better results.
  4. Ask for Clarifications: If the AI's response is not what you expected, ask follow-up questions or request clarifications.

See below images as examples of the responses given by poor prompting, as compared with the responses achieved when a prompt ninja prompts.


Example of an ineffective prompt and the result achieved from ChatGPT
Example of effective prompting that gives specific, accurate and detailed responses


Becoming a Prompt Ninja is not just about learning to communicate with AI effectively; it's about leveraging technology to maximize productivity and innovation. By following these steps—defining the persona,setting the context, specifying the task, providing an example, and formatting the output—you'll be crafting prompts that get the best possible results from ChatGPT. Remember, precision and clarity are your swords as you navigate the digital dojo of AI communication. It's time to sharpen your skills and unlock the power of ChatGPT for your marketing endeavours.


We are running complimentary 1-hour AI-Assessments for businesses who'd like to get started on their own AI journey. Reach out today if you'd like to book one in or learn more.


Gus McLennan

Managing Director - Data & AI

Gus has over 20 years of experience working within the IT industry, primarily in strategy, business engagement and project delivery. In 2018, Gus founded after identifying that the property industry was under-served in data-driven, evidence-based insights and advice